Music as We Prepare for Worship Words of Welcome The Lighting of the Christ Candle Invitation to Worship Rev. Phil: This is the season of Easter: All: the celebration…

Third of Easter, Year A Service – April 26, 2020 The Lighting of the Christ Candle As our Worship Service begins, we invite you to light a candle…

Second of Easter, Year A Service – April 19, 2020 Music in Preparation for Worship Lighting of the Christ Candle At home, where you are worshiping this morning,…

Good Friday Liturgy April 10, 2020 Picton United Church Statement of Purpose and Invitation to Worship We gather this morning, on this Good Friday, (one of the…

Welcome to Picton United Church’s Virtual Service and Communion for Easter Sunday April 11, 2020 Words of Welcome This morning we gather together in the Spirit…

Picton United Church Palm Sunday Service April 5, 2020 Words of Welcome & Announcements The Lighting of the Christ Candle Welcome to this Service of Worship. You are invited…

Picton United Church Service March 29, 2020 Invitation to Worship One: Surely, God is in this place! All: Kind Creator, help me notice. One: Surely, God is in this…

Bible Readings with Introductions Sunday March 22, 2020 Fourth in Lent, Year A Our readings this morning are among those assigned for this Fourth Sunday in the Season of Lent,…

When Bad Things Happen to Good People I have borrowed this title for my sermon this morning from a book by Rabbi Harold Kushner. Although it was written several decades…

Bible Readings with Introductions Sunday March 15, 2020 Third Sunday in Lent Year A Introduction This morning we are using three out of the four Bible Readings assigned for…

Sunday March 15, 2020 Third in Lent – Year A South Bay UC and Picton United Church Rev. Phil Hobbs, Minister (Retired Supply) Bible Readings: Exodus 7.1-7; Gospel of John…

We gather to worship the God who wants us to love the Holy One with our whole selves – mind, heart, soul and strength. It is only as we do so that we can have a faith that is our own. It is only as we have such an authentic faith that we can be empowered by The Spirit to reflect the light of God’s love for all the world – as did Thomas – as did John Wesley – as did the “saints” of your own experience.