Words of Welcome
Opening Prayer
Introit – VU 47 v.1 Still, still, still
Still, still, still: the night is calm and still.
The Christchild in his crib lies sleeping,
angels round him watch are keeping.
Still, still, still: the night is calm and still.
Call to Worship
One: Hear the angels declare and hear the earth proclaim, that
wondrous story, a Savior has come!
All: Come, let us sing of the Spirit’s great compassion and
everlasting love.
One: The darkness will break, and the dawn will appear; Emmanuel
has come, Spirit is with us!
All: What response will we give, and what gift can we bring?
One: We can bring our voices, and we can give our hearts,
And we can lift our eyes and sing a song of praise! All glory and
honour to the newborn king!
Opening Hymn: VU 60 O Come, All Ye Faithful
Candle-lighting for Christmas Eve
One: We wait for you in the Spirit, Jesus, our hearts alive with expectation.
All: We were a people in darkness, but hope shines bright in us now!
So we light the Candle of Hope.
One: Please come be with us in Spirit, Jesus, because our hearts have
been burdened by so many things.
All: And let us cast our cares away, and let peace wash over us.
We light the Candle of Peace.
One: We want to celebrate with you, Jesus, and rejoice in the Spirit’s
presence within us.
All: So, please fill our hearts and minds with overflowing joy.
And we light the Candle of Joy.
One: So come dwell with us in our thoughts and feelings, Jesus, as we
connect to the heart of the Spirit.
All: And may we share with our world the gift of love we have found
in you.
And we light the Candle of Love.
One: Light changes everything. It illuminates the darkness. And it exposes
what is hidden and reveals our path.
All: Light guides our steps and leads our way out of the darkness.
Light brings hope, and it shows mercy and gives life.
One: Jesus said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will
never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
The Christ candle is lit and we sing VU 6 A Candle is Burning v. 5
We honour Messiah with Christ candle’s flame,
our Christmas Eve candles glad tidings proclaim.
O come, all you faithful, rejoice in this night,
as God comes among us, the Christian’s true light.
The Christmas Story – A Reading by Rev Pieter
“All is Well” – by Wayne Kirkpatrick & Michael W. Smith, Sung
by Pieter & Anneke
A Prayer for Christmas Eve – Based on the Prayer of St. Francis
Closing Hymn: VU 67 Silent Night